
SecureMe, the number one security tilt door in Italy, never warps.

Since 1990, we’ve been committed to demonstrating in practice that even when pushing SecureMe, the security tilt door, to its limit of use, it maintains robustness, balance, and security

“If it warps, we’ll replace it at zero cost”

From 1990 to today, our work ensures the safety of your family, your home, and your belongings every day.

We do it with SecureMe, the number one security tilt door in Italy!

As you may have already heard: SecureMe is not only a very robust tilt door that withstands burglary attempts or requires no extraordinary maintenance, but SecureMe is the only tilt door that never warps!

After many years of experience in the tilt door market, we have found that there is only one way to guarantee 100% torsion resistance of our tilt doors.

Many years of design

After sleepless nights spent designing, studying, thanks to the combined efforts of the team, coupled with years of experience in the field, we have created the only true tilt door that doesn’t twist.

Often, if you’re running late, you may perform the most mundane, daily actions absentmindedly.

Well, opening any tilt door from just one side of the door, forgetting to open it exclusively from the center, could prove to be a serious mistake.

SecureMe, no. As you could see in the initial photo, it doesn’t twist.

Everyone who comes into contact with us, looking for a security tilt door, we have them perform the warping test. 

Quite simply, we invite our customers to hang with all their weight on one end of the door, while we hold it steady from the other side. If the door warps or falls, we create a custom door for them at zero cost.

We are committed to demonstrating in practice that even when pushing our doors to the limit of use, they maintain robustness, balance, and security.

SecureMe, la basculante di sicurezza numero uno in Italia è l'unica che non si svergola mai
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