How Important is a Garage Door?

December, April, August… These months have something in common…

Holidays! During the Christmas season, Easter, summer, our mood changes! It changes because we know we’ll be relaxing, even if it’s just for a few days! We unplug and take a few days away from home.

As they say, nowadays, especially when these periods approach, our legs start to tremble with excitement at the thought of taking a few days away from home.

Italians’ vacations?

Surely, it’s not easy to enjoy even just the weekend in the spirit of carefree and tranquility like we used to do years ago!

This Covid-19 seems like it doesn’t want to leave us anymore, and so between one restriction and another, and the fear of crowds, it leaves our handbrake a bit pulled.

However, we must always bear in mind that thanks to the vaccination plan and the use of masks, we have managed to keep the situation under control, but ATTENTION… at this time, it is even more important “NOT TO LET OUR GUARD DOWN”


According to in-depth research, well over half of Italians (61%) will not give up on their vacations anyway.

If you fall into this 61%, I’m sure that if you move, it’s because you have the means and you do it respecting all the rules.

At the same time, however, I ask you: do you move calmly, carefree or do you leave with a pinch of fear because you think about your house, your belongings?

Well, I would hope that the answer was I’M LEAVING ABSOLUTELY CALM

But since deep down, I know that’s not the case… I want to help you



Prevention is better than cure

As you already know, it is usual, alas, to return from vacation and find an unpleasant surprise

Am I wrong?

If nothing has happened to you so far, well, consider yourself very lucky!1

Leaving home knowing that there would be essential elements of your home that would need to be changed because they are unstable, unsafe, lightweight… It’s not good for you!

Do you think that the alarm or rather the front door or even the garage door should be changed or have some checks done before you leave?

If it’s about checking the garage door and the door is safe, sturdy, resistant, don’t neglect regular maintenance both because it’s been mandatory for a few years but, bureaucracy aside, you have to do it for greater security for you and your family! 



I’ve thought of everything, and if you’re running out of time and have to leave in a few hours and therefore don’t have time to have a technician come to your home, click here because I have the solution for you

If instead, deep down, you know you’re not safe…

Act before it’s too late!

I could never leave home and think that there are still possessions that have been sacrificed at home or, worse still, if I am aware that I have a light, cheap, unstable and perhaps even squeaky door and my children or grandchildren are using it

You should know that when we talk about SAFETY, when I talk about safety, I’m not referring exclusively to burglary safety but above all to accident safety

If I know that my door is a door like a sectional door for example (the one that uses a spring system and tracks installed on the ceiling to open it, to be clear), whose safety level is represented by a very low percentage, I would think twice about buying it and having my family use it.

You who have put in so much effort to achieve what you have, what you are, thinking that everything you have is being compromised, “my skin creeps” at the thought

I don’t understand how an intelligent, determined, ambitious, careful person like you can choose a garage door that could put your family and your belongings at risk

A person like you should have:


  • A safe, sturdy and resistant door;
  • A beautiful door that knows how to fully enhance your home;
  • A door that never warps;
  • A door that is not built with standard measurements but custom built;
  • A door that does not yield to theft attempts;
  • A door that does not need any extraordinary maintenance.

Certainly say you that garage doors like those, on the market, doesn’t exist

You’re right. Garage doors of this, there are a lot of and also to different type but with this specific characteristics, there aren’t

An Excellent Result


After years of experience in the garage door industry, our security swing door was born: a combination of experience, technology, and research that has led us to an excellent result.

Thirty years ago, SecureMe was born, the number one security swing door in Italy. The only swing door that DOES NOT warp, built with top-quality materials and a patented system that prevents the door from twisting even in large sizes.


A door that is not built on the basis of standardized measurements but is custom-made. Our opening system covers openings up to 6.3 meters wide * 5.6 meters high.

We have surpassed ourselves and wanted to test the maximum resistance of the doors we make for you and we have obtained a certification for wind resistance in Class 3 on a door of maximum dimensions.

We also use the highest quality components with a very low wear rate

Self-lubricating bearings and bushings make our door unique with a smoothness that lasts over time. With each movement, the bushings lubricate the critical points, thus avoiding the typical breakdowns that are the order of the day in all other swing doors.

But then, thanks to the technology used, the “One-To-One” production system, the swing door becomes YOUR PERSONALIZED DOOR as you want it according to your needs.

Finally, it sees the application of a series of accessories such as the automation system, any glazing in case your need is to use the garage as a laboratory or greenhouse, a possible pedestrian access door to facilitate your entry and exit on foot, a magnetic plate that makes the lock disappear and many other accessories.

This is because your door should not only be effective but also efficient!




A person like you, who cares about the safety of their family and their belongings, deserves a door like this!

From today on, you have come to know another reality, a reality opposite to the one that everyone proposes to you

Now, you are able to understand what you want and what you deserve. Now it’s up to you!

If I were you, I wouldn’t think twice about it

Act before it’s too late!

The solution to your worries

I am here to help you, to find the solution to your worries

If your door is light, unstable, easy to open, if you care about the safety and security of your home and your family, choose a resistant, safe, beautiful door like SecureMe!

Click Here

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